

Please find below a list of all the research papers published by Rob Berger (as first author or co-author).


Published papers 2003 and after
1 Hydrogenation of a dinitrile over a Raney-type nickel catalyst
B.W. Hoffer, P.H.J. Schoenmakers, P.R.M. Mooijman, G.M. Hamminga, R.J. Berger, A.D. van Langeveld, J.A. Moulijn, 'Mass transfer and kinetics of the three-phase hydrogenation of a dinitrile over a Raney-type nickel catalyst', Chem. Eng. Sci. 59(2), 2004, 259-269.
2 Simulation of coke and metal deposition in catalyst pellets
Bas M. Vogelaar, Rob J. Berger, Bas Bezemer, Jean-Paul Janssens, A. Dick Van Langeveld, Sonja Eijsbouts, Jacob A. Moulijn, 'Simulation of coke and metal deposition in catalyst pellets using a non-steady state fixed bed reactor model', Chem. Eng. Sci. 61 (2006) 7463-7478.
3 Simulation of heterogeneously MgO-catalyzed transesterification for biodiesel
Tanguy F. Dossin, Marie-Françoise Reyniers, Rob J. Berger, Guy B. Marin, 'Simulation of heterogeneously MgO-catalyzed transesterification for fine-chemical and biodiesel industrial production', Applied Catal. B - Env. 67(1) (2006) 136-148.
4 Coated wall reactors: (i) empty tubes
R.J. Berger, F. Kapteijn, 'Coated-wall reactor modeling – Criteria for neglecting radial concentration gradients. 1. Empty reactor tubes', Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 46 (2007) 3863-3870.
5 Coated wall reactors: (ii) inert-filled tubes
R.J. Berger, F. Kapteijn, 'Coated-wall reactor modeling – Criteria for neglecting radial concentration gradients. 2. Reactor tubes filled with inert particles', Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 46 (2007) 3871-3876.
6 Selective hydrogenation of an aromatic ketone over Pd/SiO2
Nakul Thakar, Rob J. Berger, Freek Kapteijn, Jacob A. Moulijn, 'Modelling kinetics and deactivation for the selective hydrogenation of an aromatic ketone over Pd/SiO2', Chem. Eng. Sci. 62(18) (2007) 5322-5329.
7 Kinetic modelling book chapter
Freek Kapteijn, Rob J. Berger, Jacob A. Moulijn, 'Rate Procurement and Kinetic Modelling', Section 6.1 in: Handbook of Heterogeneous Catalysis (Editor(s): G. Ertl, F. Schüth, H. Knözinger, J. Weitkamp), John Wiley & Sons (2008).
8 Dynamic methods review
Rob J. Berger, Freek Kapteijn, Jacob A. Moulijn, Guy B. Marin, Juray De Wilde, Maria Olea, De Chen, Anders Holmen, Luca Lietti, Enrico Tronconi, Yves Schuurman, 'Dynamic methods for catalytic kinetics', Appl. Catal. A: Gen. 342 (2008) 3–28.
9 Gas-liquid packed beds
N. Marquez, M. Musterd, P. Castano, R. Berger, J. A. Moulijn, M. Makkee, M. T. Kreutzer, 'Volatile tracer dispersion in multi-phase packed beds', Chem. Eng. Sci. 65 (2010) 3972-3985.
10 Overview of the Eurokin consortium
Rob J. Berger, E. Hugh Stitt , Les Chewter, Jan Verstraete, Guy B. Marin, and Johan Hoorn, 'The Eurokin consortium: origin, topics and aims', Green Process. Synth. 2 (2013) 67–69.
11 Selective oxuidation of ethanol over Au/TiO2
Pedram Aghaei, R.J. Berger, 'Reaction kinetics investigation of the selective oxidation of aqueous ethanol solutions with air over a Au/TiO2 catalyst', Appl. Catal. B: Envir. 132-133 (2013) 195-203.

Published papers 1999-2002
1 Six-flow reactor
Javier Pérez-Ramírez, Rob J. Berger, Guido Mul, Freek Kapteijn, Jacob A. Moulijn, 'The six-flow reactor technology: A review on fast catalyst screening and kinetic studies', Catal. Today, 60(1-2), 2000, 93-109.
2 Chemical reaction kinetics in industry
R.J. Berger, E.H. Stitt, G.B. Marin, F. Kapteijn and J.A. Moulijn, 'Eurokin: chemical reaction kinetics in practice', CatTech, 5(1), 2001, 30-60.
3 Chemische reactiekinetiek in de industrie (Dutch)
Rob Berger, E. Hugh Stitt, Guy Marin, Freek Kapteijn and Jacob Moulijn, 'Chemische reactiekinetiek in de industrie', NPT Procestechnologie, part I: 1 (Jan-Feb 2002), 14-18; part II: 2 (Mar-Apr 2002), 16-21.
4 Software for kinetic parameter estimation
R.J. Berger, J. Hoorn, J. Verstraete and J.W. Verwijs, ‘ Software functionality assessment for kinetic reaction model development, model discrimination, parameter estimation and design of experiments, Stud. Surf. Sci. Catal., 133 (Ed.: G.F. Froment and K.C. Waugh), 2001, 631-636.
5 Software for kinetic parameter estimation: the four test cases
R.J. Berger, J. Hoorn, J. Verstraete and J.W. Verwijs, 'Software functionality assessment for kinetic parameter estimation, model discrimination and design of experiments | The four test cases', Eurokin website (http://www.dct.tudelft.nl/eurokin/publications/) 2001.
6 1st inert bed dilution paper
R.J. Berger, J. Pérez- Ramírez, F. Kapteijn, J.A. Moulijn, 'Catalyst performance testing: bed dilution revisited', Chem. Eng. Sci., 57 (2002) 4921-4932.
7 2nd inert bed dilution paper
R.J. Berger, J. Pérez- Ramírez, F. Kapteijn, J.A. Moulijn, 'Catalyst performance testing: Radial and axial dispersion related to dilution in fixed-bed laboratory reactors', Applied Catal. A: Gen. 227 (2002) 321-333.
8 3rd inert bed dilution paper
R.J. Berger, J. Pérez- Ramírez, F. Kapteijn, J.A. Moulijn, 'Catalyst performance testing: the influence of catalyst bed dilution on the conversion observed', Chem. Eng. J. 90 (2002) 173-183.
9 High-throughput experimentation
Jacob A. Moulijn, Javier Pérez-Ramírez, Rob J. Berger, Gerben Hamminga, Guido Mul, Freek Kapteijn, 'High-throughput experimentation in catalyst testing and in kinetic studies for heterogeneous catalysis', Catal. Today, 81(3), 2003, 457-471.
10 Hydrogenation of d-glucose over Ru/C catalyst
Edwin Crezee, Bram W. Hoffer, Rob J. Berger, Michiel Makkee, Freek Kapteijn, Jacob A. Moulijn, 'Three-phase hydrogenation of d-glucose over a carbon supported ruthenium catalyst—mass transfer and kinetics',Applied Catal. A: Gen. , 251(1), 2003, 1-17.

Published papers period 1993-1998
1 CPO on Rh/a-Al2O3
J.C. Slaa, R.J. Berger and G.B. Marin, 'Partial oxidation of methane to synthesis gas over Rh/alpha-Al2O3 at high temperatures', Catal. Lett. 43 (1-2) (1997) 63-70.
2 Gas-phase reactions at CPO conditions
R.J. Berger and G.B. Marin, 'Investigation of gas-phase reactions occurring at conditions typical for partial oxidation of methane to synthesis gas', Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 38 (1999) 2582-2592.
3 Platinum gauze test reactor
C.R.H. de Smet, M.H.J.M. de Croon, R.J. Berger, G.B. Marin and J.C. Schouten, 'An experimental reactor to study the intrinsic kinetics of the partial oxidation of methane to synthesis gas in the presence of transport limitations', Appl. Catal. A., 187 (1999) 33-48.
4 Intrinsic kinetics CPO on Pt gauze
C.R.H. de Smet, M.H.J.M. de Croon, R.J. Berger, G.B. Marin and J.C. Schouten, "Intrinsic kinetics for the partial oxidation of methane on a Pt gauze at low conversions', AIChE. J. 46 (9) (Sep 2000) 1837-1849.
5 Design of CPO fixed bed reactor
C.R.H. de Smet, M.H.J.M. de Croon, R.J. Berger, G.B. Marin and J.C. Schouten, 'Design of adiabatic fixed-bed reactors for the partial oxidation of methane to synthesis gas. Application to production of methanol and hydrogen-for-fuel-cells', Chem. Eng. Sci. 56(16), 2001, 4849-4861.

Published papers Ph.D. period 1987-1992
1 Ni catalysts for IR-MCFCs
R.J. Berger, E.B.M. Doesburg, J.G. van Ommen, J.R.H. Ross, 'Nickel catalysts for internal reforming in molten carbonate fuel cells', Applied Catal. A: Gen., 143(2) (1996) 343-365.
2 Investigation of alkali carbonate transport to Ni in IR-MCFCs
R.J. Berger, E.B.M. Doesburg, J.G. van Ommen, J.R.H. Ross, 'Investigation of Alkali Carbonate Transport Toward the Catalyst in Internal Reforming MCFCs', J. Electrochem. Soc., 143(10)(1996) 3186-3191.

For more information send e-mail to Rob Berger( Berger@anaproc.com ).
